5 Ways To Make Your Garden More Wild

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Attracting wildlife into your garden can make it more lively, it will also improve the overall look of your garden.

Here are 5 ways to make your garden more wild

Many people think that all insects and vermin are pests, but not all are. The little creatures protect your garden rather than cause trouble, so it’s wise to encourage them into your space. Not only creating a lively garden, they will also bring you relaxing moments in harmony with nature.

Five simple steps will help encourage cute creatures and soulful songbirds into your garden.

1. Choose plants close to wildlife

The plants that you plant in your garden will have a big impact on attracting wildlife, so it’s best to plan ahead when creating or renewing an outdoor space.  Sweet-smelling flowers like roses and honeysuckle will entice creatures to come and investigate intriguing scents.

Native fences will deter local wildlife, so do some research before you plant any plants.  If you have the space, an oak tree not only looks beautiful but also provides a safe haven for animals large and small.

2. Create a thick fence with bushes

Placing an ad is the simplest and most effective method of attracting small animals;  They  would really appreciate somewhere to hide from the garden elements and predators, also having a safe place to sleep.  By allowing grass to grow longer, and adding density to your hedge, you’ll prove much-needed cover for small critters.  Thick fences also provide shelter and a safe place to nest for birds, encouraging them to make your garden their home. 
Whenever you are pruning, mowing, tending and trying not to disturb the nesting wildlife as much as possible.  Once you have created a safe haven, they will choose your garden as a place to live.

3. Provide food source

Natural food shortages are a constant danger to birds, so adding some bird food will bring them to your garden while helping local wildlife survive.  Make sure the spot you feed does not pose a hazard – keep them at least two meters from the fence and make sure pets or children can’t reach them.

When birds begin to nest in your garden, keep up with your routine as they will become used to it and will time their visits accordingly.  Any tree that grows fruit will provide a natural source of additional food for our feathered friends.

Small creatures tend to prefer plants that grow in sun rather than shade, and anything that grows at the edges of mulberry trees, so keep this in mind when adding to your garden.  Insects and flower bees provide many benefits to your garden.  Learn about  the insect pollinators in your garden plants for guidance on what to prepare.

4. Create multiple hiding places

A bird box is a great way to attract birds to your garden at any time of the year.  By adding small structures to your garden, you are creating safe spaces for them to shelter from the elements and to raise children.  In return, you’ll benefit from constant companionship throughout the year, and you can even mount a camera inside your cage to view the chin’s activities.

When mounting your bird box (or multiple bird boxes, if you are hoping to attract more than one species), position it in a decent area at least 1.5 meters above ground level, to ensure that the flood Animal occupants are safe and undisturbed.  Be sure to keep the bird box by cleaning it out, but never disturb it when it is occupied.

Beneficial insects, beetles and centipedes appreciate hiding places such as dense foliage and haystacks, which is a great excuse to give your ‘garden junk’ cleaning a go.  Delay pruning your perennials in the fall, and during the winter when the plants are flimsy, arrange wooden stakes, rocks or bark around your garden to create the perfect space to hibernate. .

5. Create a water source

Wild animals in large gardens such as frogs and toads are attracted to a pond, and if you can entice them into your garden they will pay you off by removing slugs and snails;  Both prefer to live on tree trunks.  If you don’t have enough space for a pond, consider adding something smaller like lotus flowers or water lilies.

Both of these options will entice beautiful birds and butterflies, as well as creatures that enjoy eating a variety of insects.  Not only will your garden be protected, you’ll have plenty of colorful creatures to enjoy.

The types of wildlife you will attract will vary depending on where you live and the space you have available.  Talk to your local garden center or wildlife association for advice on how to create a garden that creatures will love as much as you do.

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