Small-Space Gardening: Fruits and Vegetables You Can Easily Grow in Pots

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You want to have a green, clean and safe corner of the vegetable garden, but the urban space makes you have to give up. So why haven’t you immediately seen which vegetables can still be green even in potted conditions.

Let’s learn about vegetables and fruits that can be grown at home

1. Green onions

It is a relatively easy plant to grow and can grow well in small pots. To grow green onions, you can let the onions sprout and then bury 2/3 of them in the soil. Water them to ensure enough moisture, after only a short time you can harvest them.

2. Onions

Similar to green onions, onions are also easy to grow in pots. You just need to cut off the root of an onion and bury it in the soil. Wait a while, you will be able to harvest quality and safe onions for the whole family.

3. Garlic

Garlic is  easy to live and grows well in pots. What you need to do is choose the big garlic cloves buried in the soil and take care of them regularly to wait until the day of harvest.

See also :  11 Surprising Benefits of Garlic in Gardening

4. Eggplant

Eggplant  is a nutritious vegetable and not difficult to grow. So, it’s not surprising that it appears on the list of vegetables that grow well even in potted conditions.

5. Radish

Radishes  are easy vegetables to grow, and if you know how to care for them, they will give you a high yield. White radish plants for the harvest are tubers, so to get a good quality product, you should choose a pot deep enough for the radish to grow.

6. Carrots

Carrot  is a vegetable that many women love because of the amount of vitamins and minerals contained in this vegetable. An even better thing is that you can completely grow this vegetable in pots at home, but you need to pay attention to the depth of the pot (at least 30 cm) and the ability to drain for the plant to grow. Good.

7. Ginger

Ginger  is both a spice and a necessary medicine in family life. So growing ginger at home will be quite convenient whenever you need it.

8. Spinach

Spinach, also known as spinach , is a familiar vegetable in Vietnamese family meals. Easy to grow, fast to grow and fast to harvest, this plant is often grown in pots by women at home.

9. Lettuce

Lettuce  is a raw vegetable that is easy to grow and grows very quickly. To ensure the safety of family meals, lettuce is a typical vegetable grown at home with seedlings or sprouted from seeds.

10. Cucumber

Cucumber  is a vegetable that is often sprayed with the most stimulants and pesticides. Therefore, to ensure quality, you should manually grow cucumbers at home, especially when they can grow normally when grown in pots.

11. Watermelon

Tiny watermelon,  although a climbing plant, can grow well in pots or styrofoam containers. You should choose a soil with a lot of humus for the best growth and the most fruit.

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