How to Grow Plants in the Kitchen

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How to make a vegetable garden in pretty pots in the kitchen? Learn and check out some of the following tips on growing fresh, organic vegetables and herbs in your kitchen garden!

Instructions on how to grow plants in the kitchen from Love Planting

green plant on black soil

A kitchen garden is the perfect way to grow your own sweet, fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables. A kitchen garden is a garden space for your kitchen where you grow food crops.

If you are an urban gardener and you don’t have much space or you have a balcony, patio or terrace you can still make a kitchen garden out of pots.  The condition is that you only create a space for the pots to be exposed to sunlight for about 6 hours a day . However, you can also grow some vegetables in the shade,

1. Choose a pot to plant garden plants in the Kitchen

Pots must be selected according to what you want to improve and meet your aesthetic: terracotta pots are certainly the most beautiful, but considering its weight and price it is not cheap. If you want to grow in light, you can choose plastic pots, they also keep the soil moist, better for plants that require moisture.

Natural clay pots aid good drainage and help with air circulation, so they are optimal for plants that want to grow in a cool background and require good drainage. The size of the pots is based on what you want to grow in them if you are growing lettuce or greens then choose a wide, rectangular pot. For plants like tomatoes and peppers, deep pots are perfect.

2. Grow herbs and herbs in the kitchen

Herbs and herbs should be part of the kitchen garden. You can make meals with a variety of seasonings available right in your kitchen. Even for beginners, it is very simple and easy to grow and grow some varieties like onions, coriander, cilantro, mint…

Plus, herbal plants don’t require much time: you can hang them on windowsills and railings to stock up on herbs and herbs for your family. Some of the most common and simple herbs you can try are: Parsley, fennel, marjoram, coriander, mint, coriander…

3. Grow fruits and vegetables in the kitchen

When growing fruits and vegetables you need to consider the growing space and the characteristics of the plants you want to grow. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, lettuce, radishes, zucchini, eggplant and strawberries are readily available and easy to grow plants. These plants do not require years of experience as a gardener to reap the first successes of the harvest season. Once you start growing them, harvesting them fresh will boost your confidence and make you feel more motivated.

4. Some basic tips for making a potted kitchen garden

– Choose the best location for the tree by doing research on the specific plant.

– Ensure adequate sunlight and proper drainage.

– Protect the kitchen garden and pots from strong winds.

– Choose plants that are easy to grow

– Water is added only when the soil is dry to avoid waterlogging.

– Use and care according to organic standards

– Use organic fertilizers

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