How to Make a Japanese-Style Balcony Garden

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Japanese balcony garden resembles traditional Japanese gardening style and in this article you will learn some basic and specific aspects you need to know in order to create a small Japanese garden on the balcony.

Japan is a country with famous achievements in the world, their technology is advanced, but they still have a lifestyle very close to nature. The Japanese art of creating picturesque gardens is famous and admired the world over. Balcony garden has become a new trend in garden design, creating a garden on the balcony like a Japanese garden is a great suggestion!

The following article will share how to create a Japanese balcony garden.

How to Create a Japanese Balcony Garden

In the Japanese garden, there is no room for the ordinary, the symmetrical, the sweet colors of fresh flowers or the chaos of the trees because the Japanese garden belongs to simplicity, nature and elegance. important.

The Importance of Symbols in the Japanese Garden


The stone symbolizes stability and eternity. All stones should have a similar shape, appearance and texture, they should be placed in the same place in which they occur in nature, accepting shapes such as domes or semicircles.


Water is a symbol of life. It brings dynamism and movement to the garden. Flows and waterfalls represent people. Free and peaceful rivers represent women. These two streams flow into the sea. The water in the area is replaced by an uneven light streak of gravel.


In Japanese gardens, plants complement the entire garden. In addition, they must follow strict rules. The most important thing is the evergreen tree, which symbolizes longevity. The main color is green. Colorful flowers are used only once and not repeated.

Bonsai for Japanese gardens

Flower Tree 

Asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias, geraniums, peonies, irises, dandelions and anemones (collected peonies).

Shrubs and small trees 

Rhododendron, jasmine, oxalis, ligustrum, wisteria, hydrangea.

Green trees

Japanese maple, ginkgo (Ginko Biloba), magnolia, cherry blossom, Japanese white pine, bamboo and pine.

These plants are easy to grow in Japan. While choosing, remember to buy crops that are suitable for your land.

If you want some advice on rock in your garden, use gravel, stone instead of natural rock if your balcony is too small because it is suitable for small spaces.

Water feature should be used in Japanese garden. The most desirable thing is a small stream of water, a waterfall using bamboo tubes, or bon sai.

This can be replaced with a fountain or a potted water garden. If you can’t add water, add gravel, fine white sand in a pond or stream.

person holding garden hose while watering plant

The entire garden must complement elements related to Japanese culture such as a sculpture of Buddha.

For flooring, use wooden flooring, also tie bamboo mats on the railings of your balcony, this will also provide a pumpkin stem feature for the garden. 

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